Cannabidiol Progress Report

Senate Votes On 'Katie's Bill' To Allow Trials Of CBD Oil In Oklahoma

Senate Votes On ‘Katie’s Bill’ To Allow Trials Of CBD Oil In Oklahoma

This week, Oklahoma legislature gave final approval for House Bill 2154, which excludes cannabidiol (CBD) from the state’s controlled substances act.

This bill states that physicians may recommend liquid preparations containing CBD and no more than three-tenths of one percent THC to patients with pediatric epilepsy. The measure also encourages clinical trials assessing the use of CBD in adolescent subjects. The measure provides no in state source for CBD oils and stipulates that such products must be derived from either the “seeds” or “mature stalks” of the marijuana plant. The bill now awaits action from the Governor, who has expressed support for the legislation.

NORML, an advocacy group for the responsible use of marijuana, reports that in 2014, eleven states enacted similar legislation; though as of yet none of these measures have been implemented in a manner that sufficiently provides patient access to these therapies. Madison, Wisconsin is just one of the many cities and states across the country that have seen stalled progress after these progressive bills were passed.


CBD Research Expands Nationwide

Doctors square off against lawmakers in Philly debate on medical marijuana (MEAGHAN POGUE / Staff Photographer)

Doctors square off against lawmakers in Philly debate on medical marijuana (MEAGHAN POGUE / Staff Photographer)

The debate for the legalization and necessity of medical marijuana continues across the nation. In the last few weeks alone, the Missouri House of Representatives voted unanimously to move forward a bill that would broaden the legalization of marijuana used for approved medical purposes within the state of Missouri. Lawmakers in Tennessee also unanimously passed a bill this past Monday allowing the limited use of cannabis by medical patients suffering from seizures. The law, headed to the governor’s desk for signing, would allow someone diagnosed with epilepsy or other types of seizures to use cannabis oil, including children suffering from infantile spasms.

Philadelphia also recently hosted a congressional hearing regarding a medical marijuana bill for Pennsylvania legislature. In the hearing, physicians stated they believe that more research needed to be conducted on the benefits and potential risks of medical marijuana before the state legislators legalize medical uses of cannabis. […]

CBD Oil Education Continues Across The Nation

As the search for CBD oil continues for families across the nation, the understanding of the benefits continues to grow by the day. While cannabidiol can be sourced from hemp and legally sold throughout the US, it is also found in marijuana. With countless stories highlighting parents’ desperate search for a high CBD strain of Read more about CBD Oil Education Continues Across The Nation[…]